. 5 minutes
October 11, 2024

How to Track and Optimize Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate in Google Analytics?

Are you a shop owner tired of losing sales to shopping cart abandonment? 

With nearly 70% of online shoppers leaving their carts behind, it’s a frustrating challenge that can significantly hurt your revenue. But what if you could pinpoint exactly why customers abandon their purchases and take action to prevent it?


In this guide, we’ll walk you through using Google Analytics to track, analyze, and reduce cart abandonment, helping you turn missed opportunities into completed sales. 

Understanding Shopping Cart Abandonment

What is Shopping Cart Abandonment?

Shopping cart abandonment is when a prospective client adds items to their online cart but fails to complete the purchase transaction on the same website. It is a significant challenge for e-commerce since it’s a missed sale opportunity with associated potential revenue loss.

Abandoned Cart vs. Abandoned Checkout

An abandoned cart refers to the instance where the customers leave the website after adding products to their cart but do not enter their checkout process. On the other hand, an abandoned checkout deals with the customers who started their checkout process but did not complete the transaction process.  

How Does Cart Abandonment Affect Your Store?

A high cart abandonment rate not only affects your store’s revenue and growth but will also force the e-commerce owner to consider why buyers need to complete their purchases and subsequently update his cart abandonment solution.

Importance of Tracking Cart Abandonment

Why Track Cart Abandonment?

Tracking cart abandonment is crucial for gathering insights into user behavior and purchasing. By understanding the reasons behind abandonment, businesses can make necessary adjustments to improve the shopping experience and boost sales.

Top Reasons for Cart Abandonment

Common reasons for cart abandonment include:

  • Unexpected shipping costs
  • Complicated checkout processes
  • Lack of trust in payment security

Addressing these concerns can significantly improve the customer journey and enhance sales.

How to Calculate the Cart Abandonment Rate?

The cart abandonment rate can be calculated using the formula:

Cart Abandonment Rate = (1−(Total Completed Purchases/Total Carts Created)) ×100

This calculation helps businesses understand the percentage of potential sales that were abandoned. Using Google Analytics, store owners can easily calculate their cart abandonment rate and gain insights into shopper behavior through detailed reports.

Tracking Shopping Cart Abandonment Using Google Analytics

Here’s how you can write these instructions as clear, actionable steps:

Step 1: Log in to Google Analytics 4.

Step 2: Select the Explore tab from the left sidebar. Click the + sign to create a new, blank exploration.

google analytics

Step 3: On the Explorations screen, type a name for your exploration (e.g., “Abandoned Carts”). Select Funnel Exploration from the Technique drop-down list.

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Step 4: Click the pencil icon next to Steps. Name your first step (e.g., “Add item to cart”). Click Add new condition and choose Events » add_to_cart.

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Step 5: Add More Steps to Track the Checkout Process  

  •    Click Add step below Step 1.
  •    Name the second step (e.g., “Begin Checkout”) and choose the event begin_checkout.
  •    Name the third step (e.g., “Purchase”) and choose the event purchase.
  •    Repeat this process to add any additional steps as needed.

google analytics

Step 6: Click the Apply button to see your funnel data. The table will display each funnel step and show how many visitors entered and exited each step.
google analytics

Step 7: Analyze the Data  

  •    Review the percentages of visitors who didn’t move to the next step.
  •    Identify the stages where cart abandonment is highest, such as the percentage of users abandoning their carts before checkout or after beginning checkout.

This process will help you understand where users are dropping off and allow you to make improvements to reduce cart abandonment.

Analyzing Cart Abandonment

In Google Analytics, you can create the Exits report to know the last web page seen before the users exit or leave. This report helps to identify specific pages that may contribute to cart abandonment.

After identifying where customers abandon their carts, learn how to recover from them appropriately. Such steps are to write regular reminder e-mails and use a simple check-out process to increase the completion rate.

Alternative Methods for Analyzing Cart Abandonment

  • A/B Testing

Use A/B testing to test various features of your website and checkout process. This method helps to know what change leads to conversion rates among users.

  • Online and Offline Surveys

Implementing online and offline surveys will give us an insight into what customers feel about their shopping. Rewards are one of the most efficient ways to ensure participation.

  • Heatmaps and Session Recordings

Heatmaps and session recordings allow you to understand how visitors engage with sites. This information can help determine which elements work and which need improvement.

Optimization Strategies for Reducing Cart Abandonment

How to Get More Out of Your Cart?

To enhance your cart’s effectiveness, consider implementing features such as progress indicators, which inform users of how much of the checkout process is left.

Implementing Targeted Recovery Strategies

Consider remarketing strategies such as sending targeted emails or ads to those who abandoned their carts. These reminders can encourage customers to return and complete their purchases.

How to Decrease Cart Abandonment?

To effectively decrease cart abandonment, these strategies are a good start:

  • Ensure a seamless checkout process.
  • Simplifying forms
  • Offering guest checkout options 
  • Providing multiple payment methods 


Managing shopping cart abandonment through effective tracking and analysis using Google Analytics is vital for improving e-commerce performance. Understanding cart abandonment rates and implementing strategic solutions can transform potential losses into revenue opportunities. Utilize the insights provided in this guide to refine your approach and optimize your business for greater success. 

If you have further doubts, feel free to contact us.

Greetings! I'm Aneesh Sreedharan, CEO of 2Hats Logic Solutions. At 2Hats Logic Solutions, we are dedicated to providing technical expertise and resolving your concerns in the world of technology. Our blog page serves as a resource where we share insights and experiences, offering valuable perspectives on your queries.
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Aneesh Sreedharan
Founder & CEO, 2Hats Logic Solutions
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