Vuestorefront + Magento 2: How to create a contact form and display it on the contact page
Before we begin, it’s assumed that you have basic Vue and Magento 2 knowledge.
By default, Vuestorefront doesn’t include a form on the contact page. Here, we’ll discuss how to create one in simple steps.
Create a contact form component in Vuestorefront and display it on the Contact Us page.
The contact page is a CMS page, as the main contents are loaded from the Magento 2 CMS. In your Vuestorefront project directory, locate the CMS.vue component in the pages directory.
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In the code above, we have added the necessary codes to display the contents from the backend. Additionally, we have added a new component to display the form. In JavaScript, we have added the validations and handlers for the form submission actions. After submission, the form will reset and show a success notification.
Please refer to the form component located in components/ContactForm/ContactForm.vue for more details.
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Here we are adding components/ContactForm/types.ts for the ContactFormFields to be sent over Magento 2 API via GraphQL mutation.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | export type ContactFormFields = { Â Â Â Â email: string, Â Â Â Â name: string, Â Â Â Â telephone: string, Â Â Â Â comment: string, }; Â Â export type FormName = 'contact'; |
The Vue Storefront part has been completed. Once you run the yarn build in your Vue Storefront, the form will be displayed on the “Contact Us” page. Next, we need to create a new module to handle the contact form mutation. Create a custom module and add the following schema.graphqls file in the etc folder of the Magento 2 module.
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You are done. Now the process is complete, you have to run the below commands in the Magento 2 root directory to activate the module:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:di:compile php bin/magento cache:clear php bin/magento cache:flush |
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